Is that something you’ve thought about? Am I hearing a heck YES over there??
I’m going to give you 5 easy steps you can take to start… pronto!
But before I get into the good stuff…
We can all agree that social media management is a GREAT premium service for copywriters
It’s seamless for you if:
o You love getting to know people and getting them engaged
o You enjoy getting creative with graphics and catchy content
o The idea of organizing a virtual experience gets you REALLY excited
Here are my 5 steps to becoming a social media manager:
1. Set Up Your Own Social Media Profiles
Super straightforward. If you’re going to be managing accounts for clients, you’ll want to sign up on the platforms you’re interested in managing.
2. Become Familiar With Analytics
One of the things that you’ll want to do as a social media manager is to prove to your clients that you are getting results!
Yes, these results can take time to actually achieve–but there are ways to show your clients they’re getting a return on investment.
That could be more engagement, more comments, more clients…but no matter what you’re tracking, you want to be tracking something!
So dive into the analytics for your specific platform.
3. Keep Up With Social Media Trends
What is happening with this specific new social media platform?
What new features have been rolling out?
These are things YOU need to know!
The best way to keep up to date is to follow blogs that share the latest social media news.
I love HootSuite’s blog section, as well as Social Media Today.
Those are two really great sources that usually have the most up to date information on what’s happening in the social media world.
4. Create Beautiful Content
You’re going to want to create beautiful content for your clients so you need to pick a software that can help you do that.
I’m a HUGE fan of Canva for this…and for a few good reasons.
It’s free, no design experience necessary.
There’re free and ready-to-use templates.
5. Network + Market Your Services
The last step here is you need to know how to network and market your services.
Where are your clients hanging out?
Go to those places and start to engage.
One of the best ways to find clients is through groups.
These could be LinkedIn groups or Facebook groups.
Just start showing up in these groups and add value!
There you have it!
If you’re interested in becoming a social media manager, these steps will get you off to a good start!