Hey Friends,
I'm usually quite the communicator.
But yesterday was my 3-year entrepreneurial birthday for my small cosmetic business based in Kenya.
This thought makes my mascara run. It all started as a joke in Brazil, while attending the 2016 Olympics.
The past three years have been the hardest years of my entire life, trying to run a business virtually, and getting people to understand my vision over the phone or on text messages.
I have had memorable bathroom/kitchen/bedroom floor moment in the past 3 years... You know -- the moment that makes a grown Woman cry.
And if I am being honest, I have had several. To a point I really wanted to let it ALL go!
I can’t even begin to explain the lows, but I will say that I’m so thankful to all my beautiful Belles, for believing and loving our lipsticks and being loyal to our Pretty Belle brand.

I'm sharing this because regardless if you are on day 1 of your business or year 20, just know that there is always a storm before the calm. It’s been a real tumultuous journey for the past 3 years to get to the point where we are today as a brand, as we look to make it even better in the future.
And I'm thankful. I'm so freaking thankful for you, my Pretty Belles… We couldn't do it without you with us giving our small business a bit of belief in our entrepreneurial journey.
I'm going to run on over to the local liquor store and grab my favorite drink to fix my mascara tears. Today, I want to encourage you to celebrate yourself and the progress you have made today too. Even if that means you grab a cup of tea.
I'm seriously so blessed and thankful to God, my sister/friend Shiru, my family, and those who I call my online family aka YOU. Thank you for being here.
Love Pam!
